Health and Safety

Health and Safety

Granite Le Pelley recently ran a Health and Safety Refresher day for their staff.  

The day commenced with an introduction followed by inductions for Health and Safety and looking around the GLP Yard.  

During the afternoon staff were split into three teams where time was spent focusing on manual handling, lifting equipment and gantry crane, use of abrasive wheels in cutting and grinding equipment, and using and fitting dusk masks.  

Particular emphasis was put on the ‘work safely - home healthy’ message whilst promoting positive communication, continuous improvement and the five-point PPE.

Granite Le Pelley is always working on ways to ensure its staff are safe on-site and is actively promoting the Jersey Safety Council’s new charter which is committed to industry-wide safety. 

MD, Pascal, said, “Health and Safety has always been a top priority for the business but we are focusing on our staff working together, communicating and developing a safe environment for everyone to work safely so they go home healthy which is where our new logo comes from. We have committed for the whole site team and managers to come together regularly to identify the key safety risks and how they could be reduced.”