Eco Active Jersey

Eco Active Jersey

We are really proud to have been accepted into the Eco Active Jersey business scheme. As a business, we are constantly striving to become more environmentally friendly and acceptance of Eco Active is a step to us ensuring that we do our best for Jersey and the planet.

 Our initial steps for this year are to invest in our IT system which will significantly reduce the amount of paper that we use in the office and have a dedicated recycling area in our office and on-site. Having done a recent audit we believe we can reduce and/or recycle approximately 50% of our waste with the aim to reach 70% in the future.

 We are also developing a transport strategy with our suppliers to link our deliveries together. We require transportation of materials for the work we do but we know that there will be a huge impact of receiving fewer, larger deliveries per week in on-Island deliveries as well as shipping and road transport prior to transferring over here.

 Our team are on-board to find ways to improve sustainability and we look forward to receiving their ideas on this journey to become greener in our work environment.