Guernsey Together Sculpture1

Following on from the success of installing the Liberation bronze statue and the Victor Hugo Bench, we were asked by the Artist Mark Cook to supply and install a granite base for the Guernsey Together sculpture.

In our minds, the only suitable granite of course would be Guernsey granite; however, the only working quarry in Guernsey focuses on producing aggregates, the down side to this is the extraction method, which is achieved by detonation rather that careful cutting/splitting of blocks from the quarry face. This method left us with the problem, that any Guernsey granite from the quarry would have fracture cracks caused by the explosion. We were fortunate enough to have five blocks of Guernsey granite that were not used on the Liberation monument which was built in 1995 and unveiled by HRH The Prince of Wales.  However only four were still in some sort of usable condition, this left us with an issue of height, after introducing some 20mm contrasting granite slabs we managed to achieve the height needed.

The final task was to deliver the block to Beau Sejour Leisure Centre ready for the official unveiling.